June Edit

A monthly list chronicling the things I’m loving at the moment. Click on the image to shop.

I really shouldn’t make this last minute edit a thing but here were are again! And a day late but here nonetheless!! So let’s get into it!

Summer is here and it already feels glorious! There’s just something about the energy Summer brings that makes you feel like everything’s going to be alright. And with that chill, carefree vibe wafting through the air, I’m thinking of putting together outfits which are easy, breathable and light. Think linens, loose short dresses, strappy sandals and easy carry alls.

And with that in mind, here’s my monthly edit. Happy Shopping but also, let’s also try and shop responsibly. Alrighty then!

Natasha Muchura

‘You will be lost and unlost. over and over again. relax love. you were meant to be this glorious. epic. story.’

Nayyirah Waheed


July Edit


May Edit