May Edit

A monthly list chronicling the items I’m loving at the moment. Click on the image to shop.

My birthday is coming up (in like 2 months but that’s soon right?) and I’m wish listing myself away! So many good things I’m keeping my eye on and loving!

This month I helped a friend sort out her Spring/Summer wardrobe situation and it was a great chance for me to test my stying skills (styling sessions soon come!) and also discover some more new brands.

This whole outfit though!

The weather on this end is finally giving Spring and I can’t wait to bring on lighter layers and open toed shoes into the mix. I’m loving sets, dresses and flowy trousers for the coming months and can’t wait to properly get my legs out!

One of the brands I came across was the brand Aligne and I can honestly say I want EVERYTHING from them cause their sets are seriously good!

Another brand I recently discovered is the brand Isla Degar and she creates some beautiful silk crocheted bags which are absolutely gorgeous!

My weekly Spring Inspo forever serves as my moodpboard to try out different outfit combinations and play around with what I already have in my closet! Like this look on the right is perfection and can be recreated with a maxi skirt and simple tee! Gorgeous! I’ve found similar options below so check them out!

And there you have it loves! This months edit!

As always, shop responsibly (says the girl making the lists every month!) and if you don’t really need it, don’t buy it. x


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Natasha Muchura

‘You will be lost and unlost. over and over again. relax love. you were meant to be this glorious. epic. story.’

Nayyirah Waheed

June Edit


April Edit