Summer Edit

A monthly list chronicling the items I’m loving at the moment. Click on the image to shop.

Lovelies!! Another edit is here!

Now I know I missed making an edit for the month of July (was feeling so bummed about it cause I was on a running streak!) but then I thought to myself, ‘why not just make it a two month edit instead jam packed with a bunch of goodies’! So here we are with my ultimate Summer edit for the months of July and August. Double the goods!

The shorts of my dreams!

There’s been a ton of street style inspo I've been drooling over (if you follow me on Instagram then you’re familiar with my weekly street style inspo in my stories) and I particularly enjoyed the looks from CPHFW which is one of my favourite fashion weeks.

Let’s get right into it shall we!

I’m really into flared short shorts right now and I love these two pictures I found on Pinterest (check out my Summer Time Fine board here)! I’ve been scouring the web to look for similar models but can’t seem to find similar so I’ll just have to live vicariously through this pictures! But if any of you have any leads let me know!

I’m also really into ruched anything at the moment and these two options by Ghospell and small brand Maya Meyer are scratching that itch.

I love wearing bikini tops under anything during the summer and have found some cute options which would look great with a button down shirt.

I’ve been looking for a pair of boxer shorts and found these by Urban Outfitters which would go well with an oversized shirt.

This Kai Collective dress is an absolute stunner and comes in various colours (the yellow is also a favourite) and have seen it on a number of gorgeous girls of all sizes and it’s perfect!

This whole look though!

I absolutely love a pair of gold framed glasses and all the ones are more or less on their last legs (let’s take a moment to thank them for their service!) so I’ve been looking for a pair/s to replace them. I was pointed to the brand Ace & Tate by someone in my community so those are on my list!

Lastly, these hiking shoes by Keen are practically sold out everywhere and I’ve heard nothing but good things about how comfortable they are so added them swiftly to my list!

And there you have it loves! This months Summer edit! And with that we’ll also say goodbye to Summer as we usher in Autumn and next months edit!

As always, happy shopping, shop responsibly (says the girl making the lists every month!) and if you don’t really need it, don’t buy it. x


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Natasha Muchura

‘You will be lost and unlost. over and over again. relax love. you were meant to be this glorious. epic. story.’

Nayyirah Waheed

June Edit