August Edit - ‘Made in Africa’ Edition

A monthly list chronicling the items I’m loving at the moment. Click on the image to shop.

August Edit - Made in Africa edition. I’ve been meaning to put together an edit like this for a while and glad I’m finally getting round to doing it! I’ve always wanted to highlight African brands and designers because the creativity and talent that stems from the continent is unmatched. I scoured the internets and social media to find brands that resonate with me and my style and I’m pretty happy with the selection I’m brining you here today. Discovering and showcasing brands, designers and artisans has always been a hobby of mine and putting together this edit solely dedicated to African talent was an absolute treat!

I’ve featured some favourites which have been a part of my previous edits (like Adele Dejak, Dye Lab & Pichulik) & thanks to a few suggestions through Instagram I found some really good ones I can’t wait to try out one day.

Hopefully this edit highlighting African brands won’t be a one time thing and will become a frequent occurrence on the blog! Enjoy!


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