On Beginnings
So I did a thing. This is the thing.
I’ve spent YEARS going back and forth as to whether to start a blog and always ended up discouraging myself one way or the other. Questions like, ‘what would I write about?’ or ‘what would people say about what I write about?’ to ‘Will it make sense’, ‘am I overthinking this?’ to the age old question ‘Are bLoGs evEn A tHiNg aNymOre?’ (Apparently they still are).
To be honest this is for me. To talk about the things that make my mind tick and get out of my own head. I needed an outlet and here we are. ‘But why not journal?’ I hear you say? Because there is power in community and sharing experiences so one does not feel so alone in what they may be going through. Maybe what I say resonates with someone, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t know where this will lead but I know if I can help myself and do something that’s scared me for the longest time then I’m winning. Sharing the good and the bad because duality.
It’s been a long arduous road to self-love, self-acceptance and building on my self confidence. Self doubt has rigged a lot of the opportunities and ideas I have had for myself in the past and at some point somethings got to give.
I had a conversation with my brother today (hey Simon!) and told him I’d been withholding feeling joy and creating joy for myself because of this difficult period in my life. But then realised that really is no way to live. We all know life will continue to happen regardless of how you choose to engage.
Oh what a year of unlearning, healing, crying, immense joy, witnessing your child bloom before your very eyes, depression & anxiety…can get you to question everything you’ve come to know & take that leap! A leap into what you ask? Only time will tell but for now it’s stepping into the unknown and trusting myself enough to just start. Start trusting myself and putting myself out there. Slowly releasing thoughts of self doubt and limiting beliefs (which really serve no purpose but to keep you stuck & feeling unworthy), and believing that you are destined for something greater than what you’re currently experiencing. And that if no one has it all figured out. That’s comforting.
“‘You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.’ ”
At the end of the day, no one is coming to save you beautiful one. Only you can be the change you want to see in yourself. So if like me you’ve always had a hard time putting yourself out there, I’m here to hold your hand and let you know you are worthy of experiencing and doing great things. Of living a life you only dreamed of even if that means starting a blog, writing a book, taking pictures of the things you love, creating. Of loving yourself through it all, the good and especially the bad. You are worthy.
Here’s to doing that thing you’ve been so afraid of doing. You owe it to yourself to at least try. We’re in this together bb.
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