So You Want A Piercing?
For as long as I can remember, piercings have been my jam. I want to chalk it up to the adornments my ancestors wore and me being proud of my culture but I could be reaching!
A Luo man - source; Saniaga google pics
I think it’s more in line with the ‘rebel’ aspect and finding ways to stand out and be different. And also having fun with adorning your body with jewellery!
I’ve never was a tattoo type girl (but up until recently I’m itching to get one or 5!) as I always never knew where and what I would get. Plus they’re super permanent so holding off till I’m absolutely sure! And that’s where my beloved piercings come in!
I must have been around 15-16 when I started pouring through piercing websites looking at all the different types of places one could get pierced. I’d tell myself that once I got to 18 I’ll get everything done and would think of ways I’d make the money to make my dream come true.
Then came the era when everyone and their momma was getting their belly buttons pierced and I was sooooo vexed and super jealous that my friends in high school were getting theirs done and I wasn’t! My teenage soul was crushed! And yes we were young (but the age of consent was 15/16 if I remember correctly?) and they managed to hide them pretty well! Plus I think to this day none of their parents knew they ever had them in the first place so win? Oh youth!
To overcome my heartache of not getting a belly button piercing, I did however manage to get a number of ear piercings done (mostly in my helix) with my high school friends on our weekend outings in boarding school. We technically weren’t allowed more than two piercings on each ear but we would always quickly remove them when we saw the headmaster (who here remembers Mr Mantz?? RIP) coming our way (he caught me more than once though and that resulted in me having to buy more piercings) Memories!
By the time I was heading to university, I decided ‘this is it! FREEDOM!’ and I remember the first chance I got I decided to get a nose piercing, my first body piercing to initiate my new found freedom of expression.
I got mine with a gun. For all piercers reading this I know! That is the worst instrument you can use to pierce ay part of your body! But I didn’t know any better (same goes for all the ear piercings I had up until this point) but as I said, I didn’t know any better!
Anyone who grew up in the 80’s and has their ears pierced knows all too well about the piercing gun. If you’re unfamiliar, this is what it looks like:
It is said that ‘piercing guns can cause significant tissue damage. Medically, this is referred to as “blunt force trauma.” At the least, it can result in significant pain and swelling for the client, at the most in scarring and potentially increased incidence of auricular chondritis, a severe tissue disfigurement’. Source
Luckily all my piercings (which were pierced using a gun) healed pretty well and I had no issues.
My Septum
Next on the list of piercings and one I had been dying to get was my septum. I remember after what felt like months of research (it could have very well just been hours!), I made the decision one fine day in 2017. Booked myself an appointment and went for it. On a scale of one to 10 on the pain meter? I’d give it a 4. It’s the initial piercing feeling that stings and you will tear up but after that it just feels kind of numb.
Ear piercing placement 101.
My septum piercing was a quick heal and I was able to change my initial piercing after a month (more on that story later).
I had often dabbled with wanting to get a tongue piercing but decided against it because I’ve heard some not so great things about what it can do to your palette. So my ears will have to take the brunt of my future piercings until I decide to get pierced elsewhere.
In no particular order, my ear piercings are as follows, Lobe, Low Helix, Conch, Rook, Tragus, Forward Helix & Helix. 7 holes on each ear. And I plan to get more.
If I was to say which was the most painful I would say it was between my Conch and Rook (as these were also the ones which have taken the longest to heal fully) and on a scale of one to 10? Both 7’s.
Fresh piercing alert!
Now the reason why I think they took so long to heal could be because of one of three reasons. And I’m speculating here…
First, after I go them done, I fell pregnant soon after and my first trimester was spent mostly horizontal. So I put a lot of pressure on both ears while I was in bed (yes I decided to get both ears pierced so couldn’t only just sleep on one side until the pierced side healed…great).
Second, it could be that the way I was pierced wasn’t compatible with my ears anatomy (yes there is such a thing) so healing time would possibly take longer.
And finally, the third reason may be because of the jewellery used. They say the safest kind of jewellery to be used on fresh piercings are implant grade titanium and 14k to 18k gold. I doubt it’s the latter (but if you’re going to get one always ask them what jewellery they use and a good piercer will tell you the above) so I’ve been convinced it’s the first reason. I didn’t give my ears enough time to heal properly so here are the results which I’m paying for years later!
So how are my piercings doing now? Well my rook piercing has her good and bad days but I can’t wait until she settles down and starts having a good time cause I’m tired!
So what are my personal do’s and dont’s of getting a piercing?
If you decided to get one then please do your research about the actual piercing. That is, healing time and how to properly clean and take care of your piercing.
Where and who is going to be your piercer. This is so important. Good piercer will inform you if a certain piercing you want is or isn’t good for your anatomy (for example, the way your ear is shaped) and will be knowledgeable about the type of jewellery that needs to be placed in your piercing.
I got my septum pierced in Paris at Art Corpus by their resident piercer Yannick who I can’t recommend enough!
I remember when I got it pierced, he informed me that I would have to wear a ‘concealed piercing’ for the first month to aid in the healing process. I was bummed cause I wanted to go straight for the barrel piercing but he warned against this as it could possibly cause problems while healing. So read those reviews and if you can go and see the place before had and ask questions. Basically, don’t just let anyone pierce you kids!
Don’t be like me and pierce both ears within a short amount of time. I was impatient and wanted my ears pierced dammit! Let one side fully heal before going to do the other. It’ll save you a lot of months/years of inflammation and discomfort. Your ear will thank you!
Septum piercing from Opoinconneur in Nice.
Another good contact to go to if you’re thinking of getting pierced in Nice is Opoinconneur. I was able to find him via Instagram and he helped me with my unhealed piercings and changed my septum ring for me. I definitely know where I’m going to get my next piercings for sure! So if you’re ever in Nice check him out.
I’m looking to change up my piercings and found the brands below so might check them out so I can get myself some cute earrings.
If you have any good jewellery brands you can recommend let me know!
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