Winter layering & getting it right!
Winter is well and truly upon us. For some reason this year it felt like it came out of nowhere (probably because we were still wearing shorts and a t-shirt in October!) And with winter comes layering, lots and lots of layering!
If you’ve been following my antics on here you’ll know I’’m originally from a tropical country. I grew up in Kenya, Mombasa to be exact, where winter and winter clothing were non-existent, and dressing up was stress free with very few layers (or none at all depending on the season). I remember we used to consider 16 degrees Celsius cold and would always rush to put on our sweaters and socks whenever it rained. Oh how times have changed!
So when I moved to Paris from another tropical country (Singapore) my body had to get used to the cold temperatures and I had to learn how to stay warm at all costs…something that took me ages to figure out and get the right combinations going.
But before we get into it, I have a question to ask you winter dwellers cause this has perplexed and confused me to no end. How do some of ya’ll not wear tights during winter?? Seriously, how do you do it? I’m always left stunned when I see people out and about with their legs exposed to the elements in their short skirts, short dresses or shorts. And I always think, surely they must be cold right? Or are they pushing through the discomfort? My my iron deficient body will never understand!
Moving on! Since living in a country that experiences 4 seasons it’s taken me a while to master layering while still being able to maintain these 3 things: be warm (cause I’m not about to be walking about miserable in little to no clothing because of fashion!), feel good AND look somewhat put together. I’ve had my challenges with layering but I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it…I mean after almost 10 years you would hope so! 😩
So here are my tips and tricks on what to pack if you’re travelling to a colder country in the winter for the first time (or even if it isn’t for the first time and like me you’re always cold!) and have no idea where to start looking when it comes to what to buy and pack. I gotchu!
1st tip: Buy a coat that’s 1 or 2 sizes bigger than your actual size (if you like the oversized look like me, you can afford to even go up to 3 sizes!)
I remember the first time I experienced winter. It was a few years ago and I travelled to Amsterdam for winter. I was living in Singapore at the time which boasts hot, humid temperatures during December (much like Kenya). I did a little research and decided to go out and do some shopping to get me ready for the cold. Now my first mistake was buying myself a coat in a size extra small. EXTRA SMALL YA’LL! I fucked around and found out that there is no lee way or extra room under your coat if it is too small! What was I thinking? My thought process at the time was ‘if it’s snug I’ll be warmer right?’ Wrong! At least not in my case! That extra room will allow you to layer like a pro affording you to wear your favourite cardigan, jumper or over shirt under your coat. Nothing but a win win situation.
Loooove this camel coat by Weekday! They make the best quality coats for real!
2nd tip: If you’re thinking of buying a coat, go for wool (if you can afford it).
It’s warm and does what it’s supposed to do. I’ve linked below for reference. But if you can't afford a wool coat there are plenty of other options out there in different materials which will work just fine. At the end of the day, it’s the layering that counts the most.
3rd tip: thermal underwear is your friend!
I didn’t catch on to this lifesaver until much later on but when I did, it made a world of difference! If you’re travelling to a place that is experiencing freezing temperatures this is a God send and your body will thank you for keeping it all snug and warm. These are typically worn after your underwear and you later layer your other clothes (t-shirt, jeans, shirts etc.) on top. Uniqlo has some great options and so does Damart. I’ve linked some options below.
4th tip: If you want to switch it up, buy a puffer or bomber jacket.
I love both my puffer and bomber jackets. They’re hella warm and if you’re tired of the long coat look these are a great option. There’s plenty of variety out there right now in different colours and styles to suit everyone. I remember long time ago I was insistent on finding a bomber jacket in khaki green with orange lining (you know the one) but couldn’t find the exact type so settled for this one I found from Zara. 5 years in and we’re still going strong!
Bomber jackets for the win!
5th Tip: Accessorize.
Gloves, beanies and scarves are your friends! They can really elevate your style if you’re looking to stand out. For gloves, definitely go for something that’s lined with some faux fur so your hands stay nice and warm. And if you’re like me these make all the difference when dealing with the cold. Beanies and scarves in different materials and colours will give your outfit that extra oompf. Since recently cutting my hair I’m having a ball wearing different coloured beanies. They often add a splash of much needed colour to my outfits & who doesn’t love colour?
Beanie from Asos.
6th Tip: Get yourself some good boots (leather preferably)
Leather is the perfect material because for one, it's breathable but insulating (meaning that leather retains heat but allows moisture vapor to escape while you're wearing them). Now I’ve read some mixed reviews about wearing leather during winter (which is honestly news to me!) Something about it possibly getting ruined if you happen to walk in snow but if your boots are good quality, and you use a shoe protectant, all should be gravy. A good pair of thick wool socks will also add that extra comfort and help keep your feet warm if you’re out for long periods of time.
Invest in a good pair of leather boots. My Dr Martens ‘Jadon’ platform boots were a God send when temperatures dropped in Paris one year and started snowing.
Extra tip!
Now this last tip might seem like a no brainer for some but I’ll mention it anyways cause some of ya’ll built different…SHOWER! Take a nice hot shower if there is one available. One, hygiene! And two, a nice hot shower allows you to later lather on your moisturizer, balm and body oil so you’re ready to pack on the layers & start the cold day ahead all fresh and warm!
And my 7th & last tip is to make it fun!
If you haven’t figured out already I love colour! I’m slowly but surely trying to inject more into my winter wardrobe. Winter can be miserable for those who aren’t used to the cold weather so why not include some much needed vibrancy into your ensemble? It could be as little as choosing a different coloured beanie or pair of gloves. And if you’re feeling bold, why not try a statement coat in a bright colour. Switch it up by going for different patterns, textures and prints. Now that’s one sure fire way to boost your mood!
Me back in December 2016 with this thrifted military green coat. I lived in this coat! (it came with a fur insert which was perfect for winter!
March 2017. Started wearing tights under jeans cause winter was wintering ya’ll!
2018. My first time seeing snow!! The excitement was unmatched!
2018. Got this oversized coat from Monki. Not as warm as I would have liked but it’s doing its job!
2019. Snug as a bug in a rug! Coat is Mango.
2019. Layered to perfection! I remember this day was super cold and I had on thick tights under my pants, a sleeveless top under a long sleeved shirt under a turtleneck under a t-shirt, under an overshirt, under a coat! The cold didn’t stand a chance!
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