Life Lately

Life lately has been a mix of so many things. I’m only just coming out of what feels like a two week self imposed hibernation. Not yet completely out of it but the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel is near.

From moving, to falling sick, to staying still, it’s been slow despite many other things continue to be in motion as they do because life doesn’t actually stop does it?

It’s been slow creatively as I hit a slump in ideas, motivation and feeling like I had nothing to say or show. Forgetting to take pictures of my day to day life for the sake of content creation leaves very little to be posted on these here social media streets. Maybe that’s a good thing cause I’m being present? May also be that I’m so in my head at the moment it doesn’t matter. I’ll go with the former. But as we all know life continues even if you’re not posting on the internets. It’s always a hard balance trying to keep documenting life for social media’s sake (and actually being genuine about it), while also not trying to take myself too seriously and living life outside of the Metaverse, while also moving through the motions everyday life brings. Still trying to figure it out without thinking too much about it you know? If you have any suggestions hit me up!

Mentally it’s been better & I’m feeling more at ease with certain things and the way I’m finally able to voice my opinions and wants (yay for small wins). Learning how to advocate for yourself from scratch with no previous knowledge of how to do so can be hard work. But we’re getting there. Having the right people supporting you is always a plus & helps build one’s confidence so always super thankful for that. Still navigating a lot of things I’m trying to make sense of and continuously giving myself grace for feeling the way I do in the moments that aren’t stellar.

Moved to a new place and boxes have remained unpacked for a good two weeks. Having trouble letting go of a bunch of stuff I don’t use or need (anyone else have this problem?) because I always think I one day might need the item/s I have let go of. And wouldn’t that be a tragedy? What’s the Marie Kongo saying ‘discard of anything that doesn’t spark joy’? Yeah I have a hard time doing that! I believe things hold energy and almost feel bad discarding of things. Does that make me hoarder? Equating inanimate objects to having feelings thus saying goodbye is like saying goodbye to a pet of some sort? You decide! I just don’t know how to say goodbye to inanimate objects! Also, I need to buy new storage and I feel my procrastination has something to do with the fact that my clothes, which once all fit into my previous storage space no longer fit here so having a mini crisis! Send help! (Or a storage solution)

While I was unpacking I found some old photographs from my childhood, high school and university days and all the experiences I got to go through in between. It brought back such good memories and took me way way back to some really good times. When life seemed easier, less stressful and was filled with family, friends and generally good vibes. I’ve gotten to know some really good people and have some good memories. I’m grateful!

The self imposed hibernation was also due to the fact that I fell sick the day after we moved. I’m only just making it out to only start sneezing uncontrollably today. I’m hoping it’s my sinuses acting up cause this ain’t it! Having to keep things moving while also taking care of a growing and energy filled toddler is an Olympic sport! I was telling my mom, back home (in Kenya) you most always have the help of a housekeeper who can assist with chores and cooking if need be when you’re under the weather (mentally and physically). Here, you more or less just keep it moving cause there’s no one else to pick up the slack. So downtime comes rarely and carving out time to recover can feel like you’re dropping the ball on other things that need to be taken care of.

In other news, I joined TikTok! I had gone back and forth about joining ‘the Clock App’ but here we are. I feel there’s a lot less thought process that goes into posting on there & you can really just let things flow organically. Here’s to expanding my presence on these here interwebs!

Other than that I finally made it out the house! One was for an Easter egg hunt (happy belated Easter by the way) and the other was for a much needed meet up with some beautiful souls I’ve made friends with here (this was after the sneezing fest and sudden bout of low energy but I forced myself to get out cause I wasn’t going to spend another day cooped up in a sea of unpacked boxes). Both times the weather was glorious and did my mind a ton of good to get some fresh air and just be outside.

Will be back soon folks. Until then stay rested and hydrated. x


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